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How to manage holiday stress

December 2, 2019 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.

Temps de lecture 4 minutes

December is here…and although we love the holidays, we often scramble to get our gift shopping done, coordinate dinners for family and friends and all the while hoping we don’t get sick! Stress takes over, the workout schedule is thrown out of sync, our sleep pattern takes a hit and our immune system weakens…is it possible to get through the holidays without running out of breath?

The answer is yes but, if you’re anything like me, you should either start organizing in July or simply take the whole month of December off. LAUGHING OUT LOUD! No, but seriously, there are ways of reducing that feeling of stress and be more relaxed this year.

Here are 3 things that can help you make it through December relatively unscathed

1- Get active

2- Breathe

3- Relax

1- A training program to survive December

In addition to contributing to better health, physical activity is a great way to oxygenate body and mind. Be it cardiovascular, muscular or stretching exercises like yoga, they are all beneficial. Whether it’s at the gym with your personal trainer or in the comfort of your home, make it your mission to move for at least 20 to 30 minutes every other day. The exercise doesn’t have to leave you panting and heaving. Alternate types of training. Personally, I do it in the morning as soon as I wake up, so I can start my day with a feeling of accomplishment!

Here is a schedule that I suggest you start today, Tuesday, December 3. You will find the training sessions on www.ultimefit.com. Along with a healthy diet, these moderate workouts will have a positive effect on your immune system.

ULTIME FIT CALENDAR : Training program to reduce stress before the Holidays (in French only)











Intro à la méditation + séance 1

Cardio Blast (du programme 7 JOURS POUR SOI)


Méditation avant le coucher Balayge Corporel








Danse Fit 1 (du programme TOPFIT)

Tabata musculaire (du programme TOP CHRONO)

Corps complet (du programme ULTIMATUM)

Méditation respiration 4-4-8








Power Yoga

Pyramide inversée (du programme TOP CHRONO)

Récupération active (du programme 7 JOURS POUR SOI)

2- Conscious breathing

In the frenzied days ahead, make it your mission to stop once a day and breathe…consciously. Do it before getting out of your car when you get to the office, on the bus or just before going for lunch. Yes, simply close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths in through your nose, focusing on filling your lungs during each breath. Notice the instant difference in your condition. Are you a Nautilus Plus member or an Ultimate Fit subscriber? You can simply follow my lead in this meditation session .

Bonus: Try it just before going to bed, it will have a beneficial effect on your sleep!

3- Relax and unwind

Rest and relaxation are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. We have so much to do and we tend to rush through everything. However, we do need to take mental and physical breaks. So every day, make sure you enjoy a few moments of relaxation and pleasure: laugh, go on Facebook and Instagram guilt-free, take a bath, play outdoors with your kids, sit and chat after dinner is done… the small pleasures in life are all around us and can be an opportunity to change our outlook on things.

What to do for the rest of the year?

Feeling like you’re out of breath all year round? Would you like to reduce stress and have concrete tools tailored to your needs and your reality? I invite you to discover the CALMA program. Nautilus Plus professionals, both fitness coaches and nutritionists, have been specially trained in key concepts of well-being including intuitive nutrition, meditation, breathing, yoga, but also relaxation and stress management. You’ll have access to an unparalleled follow-up to help you regain your balance. This program will help you develop habits that will be useful for the rest of your life.

I wish you a very happy holiday season and a happy and healthy new year!

How to manage holiday stress is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2019

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