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What to expect when meeting a nutritionist

September 27, 2018 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

Contrary to the follow-up with trainers, consultations with nutritionists are done in a closed office. It is therefore normal to wonder what people are doing in this mysterious place and to imagine all kinds of ideas. Today I will demystify three common apprehensions about nutrition counseling.

“I know how to eat well”

Indeed, everyone knows a certain base: eat fewer chips, consume more vegetables, drink more water, and so on. However, nutrition is much more complex and must take into account our environment and our routines that deeply complicate our ability to change our eating habits.

Unlike dietary plans or general advice found online, a nutritionist’s mission is to guide you and motivate you through all the obstacles that stand before you. She will help you identify your real challenges and find the best strategies to achieve your goals.

When motivation falls and you’re thinking about stopping your follow-ups, it’s crucial to make the effort to consult your nutritionist who will put you back on the road to success.

“I do not want my chocolate removed”

The nutritionist has absolutely no intention to restrict you since her goal is to help you change your eating habits in a sustainable way. She knows that forcing you to abstain from chocolate, chips or alcohol will not help you in the long run.

The nutritionist will work with you to find solutions that allow you to consume the foods you love without compromising the achievement of your goals.

“I did not respect the plan that I determined with my nutritionist and I’m afraid of being scolded”

Nutritionists know how difficult it is to our eating habits. A single meeting with a nutritionist will certainly not allow you to completely change your eating habits your had for the last 20, 30, or even 50 years. A nutritionist is there to support you. Her success depends on yours and your happiness. If you can not comply with the plan, she will not make any judgment. On the contrary, she will try to find solutions with to help make your process easier.

So, what to expect during a consultation?

In consultation, the nutritionist will help you determine where you are, where you want to be and how to get there. A nutrition coach will provide you with the missing ingredients to reach your goals.

She will listen to you, guide you, inspire you, and support you throughout your process.

What to expect when meeting a nutritionist is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2018

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