How to avoid knee problems?

March 31, 2014 - By Karine Larose, M.Sc.
3 minutes
So you have a mad desire to lose weight come summer and to take your health into your own hands once and for all? If this is the case, I strongly recommend you follow the same five imperative steps that enabled the I’m Taking Charge Challenge contestants to reach their goals. These steps are of key importance for getting off to a flying start and persevering in your weight loss/health gain process.
Your motives for wanting to take charge are a great source of motivation for staying on track and reaching your goals. Identify your motives for reviewing your current lifestyle. What are you tired of? Why start now? Take a few minutes to write down your motives and post them where you can’t miss them so that you’re constantly reminded of how important it is to take care of yourself.
When motivation is waning, we tend to justify our not-so-good choices by telling ourselves we can wait a while and then pick up again where we left off. Stop this vicious cycle and refuel your motivation by checking your list of motives.
Another crucial step is to become aware of your current condition, body composition, general fitness, eating habits, perceived energy level, sleep quality, and degree of stress. Your body weight is far from being the only criteria when deciding to take charge! Performing this initial assessment makes it easier to track your progress and knowing how you progress is a precious source of motivation! Consider hiring a personal trainer and a nutritionist to provide you with a fully comprehensive appraisal that will allow you to set more realistic goals.
Choose inspiring goals, but make sure they are measurable and reachable within a reasonable period of time. “Losing weight” is too vague as a goal; you have to define the stages of weight loss and the number of pounds each week that correspond to your projected investment, etc. Yet again, nutritionists and personal trainers can provide expert guidance for setting realistic, motivating goals.
Put aside any idea of low-calorie diets, protein diets, or magic weight loss pills! Skilfully fit regular exercise and healthy eating into your lifestyle. While this combination is relatively simple, you still have to tailor a plan that will produce results rapidly, while being sustainable. A nutritionist will design an eating plan for you that will provide the quantity and quality of calories required to satisfy your basic needs and fuel your anticipated energy expenditure, while making sure you don’t feel hungry. Your personal trainer will work with the nutritionist to prescribe an exercise program tailored to your goals, preferences, and availability.
Once your action plan is worked out, let those around you know. You’ll need support, encouragement and help in adopting and maintaining these new lifestyle habits. Inform your life partner, family, kids, and trustworthy friends and colleagues. Try and avoid company that is likely to lead you to temptation. Make your life easier by asking those around you to assist you in your undertaking.
These steps are a must when setting out to shape up and lose weight. Once the process is underway, I’ll give you some tips to help you stay on track. In next month’s article, I’ll be providing precious advice for accomplishing your weight loss goals!
By Karine Larose
5 crucial steps for losing weight and gaining health before summer is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
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