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The Winning Recipe to Lose Weight

July 24, 2014 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

I don’t know if this applies to you, but our world seems to be living at a breathtaking pace. We always want more, as fast as possible. But when it comes to weight loss, or completing any other fitness objective, speed is not the answer. On the contrary, the best advice I can give you is: be methodical, and patient.

I want to lose weight, now!

Back in the days when the Internet was not part of our daily lives, we used to turn to the people in our lives for advice. Word of mouth had its limits, but it had the advantage of keeping our expectations relatively low.

In the 2.0 era, we want state-of-the-art advice when it comes to weight loss to get quick results. With the Internet, everything seems so simple. You want to lose 10 pounds in the blink of an eye? Ask Google and a few seconds later, you will get a top 5 of the best tips. But beware of miracle solutions! You should know that a healthy and lasting weight loss always involves time and effort. You will have to be patient and work hard!

Being steadfast and patient

Although most of us want to lose weight quickly, we have to remain realistic. If you have accumulated weight in the last few years, these extra kilos will not disappear overnight. This is why you need to create an action plan.

First of all, you have to set a specific and realistic objective (losing 10 pounds, running 5 km, etc.). Thereafter, determine how you will achieve your objective (number of training sessions per week, specific exercise program, follow-up with a personal trainer, etc.). Then, allow yourself some time. You will need to put in effort, then you will be all the more proud of yourself.

To help you check your progress, you can take pictures regularly, perform regular tests (body composition assessment using impedance analysis, strength test), take your measurements, or keep track of your results in a notebook. This will give your objective data to assess your evolution.

Focus on your main goal, and keep in mind that each day where you give up is another day that separates you from that goal.

I will leave you to reflect on this.

Until next time!

The Winning Recipe to Lose Weight is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2014

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