Review of 2024: 10 questions to ask yourself

October 31, 2017 - By Nautilus Plus
5 minutes
I know, we’ve all been solicited to give generously to countless charitable organizations and good causes, particularly that of cancer research. So why did Nautilus Plus choose to support the Richard Béliveau Fund? Here’s the little story behind what made Nautilus Plus support the work for the Chair in Cancer Prevention and Treatment at UQAM, led by Dr. Richard Béliveau.
In 2008, as Nautilus Plus’ CEO Richard Blais drives to work, he is listening attentively to the fascinating interview conducted by Paul Arcand with, at the time, a little-known guest called Richard Béliveau. The researcher talks about his work dedicated to the identification of compounds with preventive and therapeutic properties in the human diet that reduce the incidence and development of cancer.
For Nautilus Plus’ president, there is no doubt that the shattering revelations made by the researcher must be heard by the members of the staff who have direct contact with the customers. A few weeks later, Richard Béliveau, who is proving to be an outstanding communicator, presents the results of his research to club employees who listen attentively to the researcher’s words.
It is clear that Richard Béliveau does not have the financial means to continue his work and, unfortunately, very few pharmaceutical companies want to invest in prevention research and, even less, on the study of food properties. Mr. Blais is acutely aware of the obstacles faced by Richard Béliveau, and so the idea of creating a special fund to support prevention research is born and becomes his mission.
From that point on, the idea was initially proposed to Richard Béliveau and then submitted to the management of the UQAM Foundation. After a few weeks of deliberations, the management of the UQAM Foundation endorses the project. The news is greeted with great enthusiasm by the management at Nautilus Plus. For the first time in its history, the company will support a group of researchers committed to providing the Quebec population with affordable means of preventing cancer. That is how, on November 9, 2008, the first edition of the fundraising “30-minute workout to help out the Fund” takes flight.
Since that first edition, more than 60,000 people have been inspired by the cause and nearly two million dollars has been donated to the Richard Béliveau Fund. It is therefore with great pride that Nautilus Plus is celebrating its 10th anniversary of partnership with the UQAM Chair in Cancer Prevention and Treatment. This pride comes mainly from the generosity of all the participants, but also from the invaluable collaboration and constant commitment of the entire staff at Nautilus Plus. This team work contributes to the growing success of this event, which has generated record sums in recent years.
The research carried out so far has made it possible to learn more about the things we can do on a daily basis to minimize the risks of developing cancer. For a disease that was believed to be entirely due to genetics and hereditary and for which we had no control over, we now know that lifestyle plays a much greater part than previously thought.
Indeed, we now know that the foods we eat, the physical activities we choose to do, and the fact that we abstain from smoking, all have a direct impact on the risk of developing cancer. It is now clear that 70% of cancer cases can be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyles. Isn’t it encouraging that we have some power over this awful disease?
It is therefore with great enthusiasm that I invite you to participate to the 10th edition of “30- minute workout to help out the Fund” on Sunday, November 19, 2017 in the 40 Nautilus Plus centers across Quebec. You are all welcome, both members and non-members, to burn as many calories as possible by participating in the individual challenge or the 4X4 team challenge while encouraging research on cancer prevention!
To register or donate to the Richard Béliveau Fund: CLICK HERE!
By taking part in Nautilus Plus’s “30-minute workout to help out the Fund”, you are encouraging the emergence of new data that will allow us to know even more about the actions we can take on a daily basis to reduce the risk of developing this horrible disease: cancer.
Thank you for your generosity and we look forward to meeting you on November 19th!
* The activity will take place on Monday, November 20th at the following locations: Cour du roi, Place Ville-Marie, Place Victoria, Place Montreal Trust, Centre-Ville Est and Quartier des Spectacles.
References :
The story that’s has linked Nautilus Plus with the Richard Béliveau Fund for 10 years is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
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