Review of 2024: 10 questions to ask yourself

In winter, we often spend time worrying about catching colds, the ‘flu, and other respiratory infections. We’d all like to avoid them or at least get over them fast and easy. So here are the best tips for building a rock solid immune system.
Zinc stimulates the production of white blood cells and reduces the ability of viruses to reproduce themselves.
Ideas for optimizing zinc intake:
In winter, it’s harder to satisfy our requirements of this particular vitamin, also known as “the sunshine vitamin”. Vitamin D reduces cold and ‘flu symptoms and lowers the risk of respiratory infections.
Ideas for raising your vitamin D levels:
Vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells. These latter help fight infection and promote the secretion of antibodies that attack viruses and bacteria.
Ideas for investing in vitamin C:
Our intestinal flora provides a fertile biological terrain for both good and bad bacteria. The good bacteria help create a barrier against pathogens that are likely to trigger infection.
Ideas for probiotic sources:
Ginseng promotes the growth of immune cells that help destroy bad bacteria and viruses.
Where to find ginseng:
You absolutely must drink enough fluids to prevent the nasal and intestinal mucus from drying. Mucus forms a barrier against microbes.
Regular physical activity stimulates the production of white blood cells (immune system cells) and thus reduces the risk of contracting a respiratory infection.
And of course, don’t forget to wash your hands regularly!
How about you, what do you do to stay strong and healthy?
Karine Séguin, nutritionist
Passeport Santé. (2011). Ginseng. On line <>. Page consulted December 10, 2014.
Plaisir Santé. (2014). 9 trucs pour renforcer votre immunité. On line <>. Page consulted December 10, 2014.
Saine alimentation Ontario. (2014). Le point sur le système immunitaire. On line <>. Page consulted December 10, 2014.
Société canadienne du cancer. (2014). Vitamine D. On line <>. Page consulted December 10, 2014.
Seven super tips for boosting your immune system is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
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