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Fighting pain with pain

October 1, 2015 - By Les Enformidables

Temps de lecture 2 minutes

After a break-up and a nasty divorce, I was run-down.

I had to take charge in order to vent out all the resentment I had bottled up. I needed to let off steam, and decided I would use exercise to fight pain with pain, essentially to put on some muscle mass. My trainer was there to motivate me and act as a coach, and the same can be said of my nutritionist. I wanted quick results, and after only 4 months I am proud of myself and of the reflection I see in the mirror, with 15 pounds of extra muscle already. I’m way ahead on what I had planned for my objectives. Deciding to exercise was the best decision I could make. It did wonders for my mental health and my self-esteem. I am gradually becoming confident about life, which is a necessary step in my recovery.


Daniel Sénécal, is part of the community ”Enformidables” which gathers people who have left their sedentarity lifestyle and inspire us with their great story that motivates us to become an ”Enformidable” too.

Personal trainer: Justin
Nutritionist: Catherine
Center: St-Hyacinthe


*Disclaimer: Please note that the results can vary from a person to another. Nautilus Plus is not responsible of the validity of the statements in this testimonial.

Fighting pain with pain is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2015

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