Detox juices: Myth or magic cure?

Many of our readers already possess a wealth of knowledge regarding weight loss. They can tell you all the theory to the letter, but struggle when it’s time to apply it. Instead of giving you tips that everybody knows about, I decided to give you practical advice. Let’s put theory aside for a moment to learn all about weight loss tips.
You read that right. The truth is that I could have told you to go to the dentist or get a manicure; anything to improve yourself. Decide what suits you this week, and do it! Although this tip is hard to prove, you have nothing to lose by trying it. I don’t know about you, but most of the people I have observed (including myself) tend to make better food choices after this kind of activity. We feel more calm, beautiful, and healthy; a good recipe to make the right choices.
Through, you will have to choose the person to whom you want to send this message. Describe your objectives, deadlines, and commitments. Explain what motivates you, and most of all, the reason why you will be successful this time. You don’t have to stop there, you can also commit to a consequence if you fail to abide by the terms indicated in your message. Please note that allows you to choose the date of receipt for your message, so there is no possible excuse for the deadline.
I suggest two possible approaches, feel free to choose only one, or both. First, take pictures of yourself from all angles with a) tensed muscles, and b) relaxed muscles, making sure to take them somewhere you will be able to return to later to take further pictures for comparison purposes.
1) The first method consists of displaying your most recent picture next to your ideal (either an old picture of yourself, or one from the Internet). Put them somewhere you will see them often.
2) The second method consists of taking pictures of yourself regularly to keep a record of your progress through time[1].
For this one, you will need to draw a giant calendar on a cardboard and install it in plain sight at home. At the end of each day, give yourself two marks out of ten: one for your level of physical activity, and a second for your nutrition. If possible, write down on a notepad what you could have done to get a better result, as well as what you are going to do starting on the next day to be successful. When you get up in the morning, read what you wrote on the previous night. Sum the scores for the week, and allow yourself a treat if you reach 112 points or more (with a possible score of 140).
And you, what are your tips?
By Xavier Jutras
[1] If taking all the pictures is too long, you can film yourself and do all the poses at once. After, simply capture screenshots and you will have all the pictures you need, and even the luxury to choose the best shots.
4 Uncommon Weight Loss Tips (Part 1) is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
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