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10 Tips to Add Vegetables to Our Plate

November 20, 2013 - By Nautilus Plus

Temps de lecture 3 minutes

Who has never been told they should integrate more vegetables in their nutrition to improve their health? If you lack inspiration to get to 4-5 servings per day, try these tips!

1. Mix them in a smoothie!

Add a handful of spinach or kale to your favourite smoothie for a nice green color and a multitude of vitamins and minerals!

2. Try them in an omelette!

Perfect for a week-end breakfast or a quick supper! Sauté some sweet peppers with onions, garlic, and zucchinis, add a few pieces of tomatoes, and that’s it!

3. Put them in your sandwich!

Whether with the traditional lettuce/tomato, or with grilled onions and sweet peppers, any way to add colour and flavour to your lunches is good!

4. Begin with a soup!

What is more comforting than a soup on a cool autumn day? It’s the perfect occasion to use soft celery, somewhat dry carrots, and other vegetables that we just don’t know how to prepare! If you prefer a smooth texture, add a potato to turn it into a potage!

5. Add them to your mashed potatoes!

Whether you use carrots and squash to add color, or cauliflower and turnips to pull a fast one on those who are picky, be generous!

6. Steam-cook them with rice!

Add frozen vegetables or a few diced carrots and celery while your rice is cooking to save time! This will also allow you to keep the precious nutritive elements that would be lost by boiling your vegetables!

7. Add them to your sauces!

Add onions and mushrooms to your meat sauces, and broccoli to your homemade cheese sauce! Choose low-sodium sauces (or even better, make your own) with your pasta rather than creamy sauces, and make sure to add garlic as well as all kinds of sweet peppers!

8. Serve them with pasta!

Sauté spinach with garlic, tomatoes, and a yellow sweet pepper to add a rainbow of colours! Or you could also prepare some julienned carrots, eggplant, and zucchinis to mix in your pasta. Have you ever tried substituting your pasta with spaghetti squash? A real delight!

9. Enhance traditional recipes!

Add diced tomatoes and green beans to the famous meat sauce macaroni, double the quantity of celery, carrots, and green peas in your chicken pie, and add a few carrots, turnips, beans, and tomatoes to your good old pork or beef roast!

10. Satisfy your sweet tooth!

It’s now time to try recipes such as zucchini-carrot muffins, or a chocolate-beet cake! Of course, choose homemade low-fat and low-sugar recipes!

That’s it! And you, what are your tips to add vegetables to your personal classics?

By Caroline Proulx, nutritionist

10 Tips to Add Vegetables to Our Plate is a post from Nautilus Plus. The Nautilus Plus blog aims to help people in their journey to fitness through articles on training, nutrition, motivation, exercise and healthy recipes.
Copyright © Nautilus Plus 2013

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